Dean Conner: Step-father of missing man makes desperate plea for help and offers £1,000 reward

© The mother of missing Musselburgh man Dean Conner, 37, has appealed for help after her son was last …

The 37-year-old Musselburgh man was last seen at around 5pm in the Links Avenue area of the town, walking toward the promenade.

Police believe he may have left the area either walking or by bus, though he hasn’t been seen since.

He has been described as white and 5ft 10in in height, with dark brown or black hair.

CCTV footage of Dean shows that shortly before he went missing he was wearing a black hooded top, black jogging bottoms and white trainers.

In a re-appeal, police have urged the public in and around Edinburgh to look out for Dean and report anything that may be useful in their search.

Gary Finnie, Dean’s step-father, has also issued his own personal appeal asking for help.

In a post on Facebook, Mr Finnie thanked the local communities for their concern and support, but said his “head was spinning” as Dean had still not been heard from.

He had previously said it is very out of character for him not to get in touch, adding the situation had become “very real”.

He also asked if anyone available search for Dean could cover areas of Musselburgh, Preston Pans and Tranent, specifically requesting that spots “off the beaten track” are thoroughly checked.

The heartbroken step-father wrote that “someone must know something” after Dean’s disappearance, as he announced he would be offering a £1,000 reward to anyone who provides information which helps find him.

In an update on January 9, Mr Finnie said that most of the surrounding areas had been searched.

He said: “I especially want to thank the friends who have helped me search and gather information, start social media pages and sort out printing and distribute leaflets. We are very grateful.

“Although this has now been 10 days we still have hope that Dean will be returned to us alive and well.”

In a renewed police appeal issued on Tuesday night, Dean’s family said: “It has been more than one week since Dean was last seen and we are worried sick.

“We are desperate to know where he is and that he is safe.

“Dean, if you see this please call us or reach out to someone to let them know that you are safe.”

Chief Inspector Jocelyn O’Connor said: “Officers have carried out extensive searches and enquiries in an effort to trace Dean.

“These searches are ongoing with the continued assistance of a number of specialist police resources including the search officers and the Dive and Marine Unit.

“Officers have also been carrying out door-to-door enquiries and checking local and private CCTV footage.

“We believe Dean is likely to still be in Musselburgh or the surrounding area. I would urge anyone who has seen Dean since Friday, 31 December, or who has any information that may be relevant to our investigation to get in touch as soon as possible.

“Dean, if you read this appeal, please phone your family, friends or the police.”

Any information can be provided to the police via 101, quoting incident number 2238 of December 31, 2021.

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