Cadillac woman received delayed sentence after animal abandoning, cruelty conviction

CADILLAC — A 51-year-old Cadillac woman received a delayed sentence after she pleaded guilty late last year in Wexford County’s 28th Circuit Court to an animal abandoning/cruelty offense.

Jennifer Marie Boyett was sentenced to one day in jail with one day credit and was given a one-year delayed sentence for a guilty pleat to animals abandoning, cruelty four to 10 animals for her connection to an incident occurring on March 17 in Haring Township. She also was ordered to pay $558 in fines and fees.

As part of her plea, seven counts of failing to keep dogs vaccinated and seven counts of an unlicensed dog were dismissed at the sentencing.

Wexford County Detective Sgt. Chris Piskor previously stated the investigation into this case began with an anonymous tip. Once the tip was received, animal control went to Boyett’s Haring Township residence and found a pen with multiple dogs outside and more dogs inside the home. The animals outside in the pen were chained up and wearing choke chains and the condition of the pen was substandard and full of animal waste.
