$1K reward offered after mule shot dead at Las Vegas ranch amid crime spree

© FOX5

UPDATE (Jan. 26) — Friends of Red Rock Canyon is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for substantial information regarding these incidents.

Anyone with information was asked to contact the BLM at sndo_lawenforcement@blm.gov or call 702-515-5163.

For conditions of the reward money, click here.

FOX5’s original report continues below.

LAS VEGAS (FOX5) — Bureau of Land Management rangers and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police are investigating a string of crimes committed at Cowboy Trail Rides in Red Rock Canyon.

Mule shot dead at Las Vegas horse ranch in weeks-long crime spree

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On Saturday morning, ranch manager Michael Flood arrived to the ranch to find one of his mules had been shot in the head.

June, the 11-year-old mule, had been part of the family-owned business for nine years.

“You got to be a sick individual to shoot a horse in the pen,” Flood said.

June’s death was not the first crime committed at the ranch, though. Four weeks ago, someone snuck into the ranch, dodged security cameras, and tried to release all 50 horses and mules.

The following week, a 3-year-old horse named Mouse was found dead in a pen. Flood said they did not investigate Mouse’s death, but called it suspicious.

“We don’t know if he was shot, but something happened to him,” he explained. “He was 3 years old. Young horse, in good health. We had just rode him the day before.”

One week after Mouse was found dead, and seven days before June was killed, someone tried to release the animals again. Luckily, all 50 horses and mules stayed on property.

As BLM and LVMPD continue to investigate, Flood said he has an idea of who could be behind the crime spree.

“Some people don’t believe horses should be out on public lands. They don’t believe they should use the same trails hikers do,” he said. “About a month ago, we had a guy who was destroying our own trails out here. He was putting rocks on the horse manure and sprinkling Ajax on the trail and he said he doesn’t believe horses should be out here.”

Flood reported the man to BLM rangers. Anyone with information can anonymously call CrimeStoppers at 702-385-5555.
