Corgi fell into Indian River and miraculously survived 26 hours while treading water

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In Brevard County, Florida, a one-year-old Corgi survived a harrowing 26-hour ordeal in the Indian River on Sunday after she fell overboard on her family’s boat.

According to the dog’s owner, Jon Atwood, Jessica normally sticks very close to her favorite human. That beautiful afternoon on the boat, Atwood had been traveling to Fort Pierce with his parents. Atwood had flown into Florida from Utah with his dog to help his folks take their boat to North Carolina before the start of hurricane season.

He had just taken a picture of Jessica sitting on his lap on the boat, when the dog got up to get a drink of water.

My female corgi went overboard on the ICW today around 4pm in the main channel near the Merritt Island Bridge. Please please keep an eye out for her. Her name is Jessica and she’s not local so will be lost and scared. Reward offered.

Jon Atwood FB

Jon had been at the stern of the boat taking photos of the dolphins swimming in the wake when suddenly he looked down, and his dog wasn’t there. When they realized the dog was no longer on the boat, they launched two small boats to look for her, and the nightlong search continued with no success locating the dog.

But then came the miracle! Jessica showed up in a residential neighborhood in Rockledge – about seven miles from where she disappeared and ended up in someone’s backyard. Fortunately the homeowner had recognized Jessica’s photo from Facebook and notified Atwood.

UPDATE: She has been found and brought to me. She’s currently being checked by the local E-vet to make sure she’s ok. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the hundreds of you that have helped or offered since yesterday…

Jon Atwood

Never give up hope!

(Photos via Facebook)

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