Congressional candidates vie to advance to November election

Macomb County voters will play a big role in determining who will square off in November for the ninth and 10th district U.S. congressional seats by casting ballots Tuesday in the primary.

Five Democrats and two Republicans are vying for their party’s nomination for the 10th District post, and two Republicans will meet to determine who will face lone Democrat for the 9th District seat.

The 10th District comprises all of Macomb County south of Hall Road (M-59) as well as Shelby Township, Utica, southwest Macomb Township, Rochester and Rochester Hills.

The Ninth District is composed of all of Macomb County north of Hall Road except for Shelby Township, Utica and southwest Macomb Township, as well as north Oakland County, St. Clair County, Lapeer County and three additional Thumb counties.

The candidates are seeking a two-year term that begins Jan. 1 and a job that pays a $174,000 salary.

Primary voters can only vote in Democratic or Republican races.

The candidates were asked to provide profile information and reply to three questions in a questionnaire sent to them by The Macomb Daily.

Question 1.  What will be your top issue relevant to the district and how will you pursue it?

Question 2.  What is  your top national issue that you will address?

Question 3.  Why should voters choose you over your opponent(s)?


Democrats (5)

Name, age: Huwaida Arraf, 46

Family: Spouse of 20 years, Adam Shapiro; children: Diyaar Arraf-Shapiro, 9, and Mayaar Arraf-Shapiro, 7

Huwaida Arraf
Huwaida Arraf

Occupation(s)/job(s), current and past: Civil/human rights attorney, 2009 to present; Clinical Legal Supervisor, Al Quds University Law School, 2007-2008; Co-founder, Nobel Peace Prize-nominatad International Solidarity Movement, 2001 – present

Education/degree: B.A. in political science, Near East Studies, and Hebrew and Judaic Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1994-1998); Juris Doctor, American University Washington College of Law (2004-2007)

Q1: It’s imperative that we transform the economy into one that works for the masses, not only for the billionaires. I will fight price-gouging, bring manufacturing home, and level the playing field for small businesses. I will also fight to ensure that people can keep more money in their pockets with tax credits, universal health care, free education, paid sick/family leave, expanding Social Security, and more.

Q2: In addition to the above, which applies to the nation, I will fight to enshrine the right to reproductive health care in federal law. Reproductive care is health care and health care is a human right that must not be denied by government or made dependent on one’s job or income.

Q3: I have dedicated my life to fighting for people’s rights — in the streets and in the courtroom — and have not backed down, even when my life was threatened. I have been beaten, shot at, arrested, and hijacked in defense of human rights and will take that passion to the halls of Washington to fight for the rights of the people of my district. I will not be bought and will stand up to the big corporations and their money so that we can pass legislation that enable Michigan families to thrive.

Name, age: Carl J. Marlinga, 75

Carl Marlinga
Carl Marlinga

Family: Married (Barbara}; four children; two stepsons; eleven grandchildren.

Current and/or past elected offices held: Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney, 1985 – 2004;

Macomb County Probate Judge, 2013 – 2016; Macomb County Circuit Court Judge, 2017 – February, 2022

Occupation: Retired Judge; currently providing mediation services.

Education: Graduate, University of Detroit, B.A., 1968; graduate, University of Michigan Law School, J.D., 1971.

Q1. We need to bring manufacturing jobs back home. We can accomplish this by making products that the world is waiting for – things like fast charging stations for electric vehicles; heat pumps; solar panels; and wind turbines. By taking advantage of the endless supply of energy which nature provides us, we can save the planet from the looming disaster of climate change, and, at the same time, create a booming economy.

Q2. We must stand up for reproductive freedom and a woman’s right to make her own health care choices. These are private, personal matters. No person should impose his or her religious beliefs on another. We must take the protections of Roe v Wade and codify them into federal law.

Q3. In the primary, we must choose the strongest candidate to take on the Republican in the fall. I am that person. In the general election, these are key difference: (1) John James does not live in the district. (2) John James takes the most extreme position on abortion, not permitting it even in cases of rape or incest.

Name, age: Angela Rogensues, 41

Angela Rogensues
Angela Rogensues

Current and/or past elected offices held: Current At Large Warren City Council member (2019 – 2023 Term)

Occupation(s)/job(s), current and past: President Ignition Media, November 2020 – April 2022;

Executive Director, Playworks Michigan, April 2015 – September 2020; Program Director, Playworks Michigan, July 2012 – April 2015

Education/degree: Bachelor of Science in Health Studies and Psychology from Michigan State

University; Master of Arts in Educating Adults from DePaul University

Q1. I think supporting national efforts centered around fixing our global supply chain and incentivizing businesses to move global production of goods and services back to Michigan, particularly to District 10, to support long-term control of inflation and create good-paying, union jobs are the top issue relevant to the district.

Q2: Supporting women’s reproductive rights would be the top national issue I would address. Abortion is healthcare and ensuring access to safe and legal abortion and contraception would be the top national issue.

Q3. At 41-years old I am the youngest in the Democratic field of candidates. Members of Congress are most effective as they gain seniority, therefore, I would have a longer runway to hold the seat over time and bring more resources back to the district. Additionally, I have over 15-years of professional service and a track record of service to my community. I have supported the most vulnerable and marginalized in our society for much of my career and would take this same human centered approach to Congress, a background that my opponents do not possess. Lastly, I am one of two candidates with legislative experience that would serve me well in DC.

Name, age: Henry Yanez, 64

Henry Yanez
Henry Yanez

Family: Wife – Jane Yanez; Children, Son Ryan Yanez, Daughter Alison Edwards, Stepdaughters – Natalie Cundiff and Cassidy Cundiff;  Grandchildren – Kellen and Korinne Yanez and Hudson and Pressley Edwards

Current and/or past elected offices held: State Representative – 2013 to 2018

Sterling Heights City Council – 2019 to Present

Occupation(s)/job(s), current and past, include years: Machine tool electrician, service technician, purchasing agent, Sales Representative – 1975 to 1991; Volunteer firefighter – 1985 to 1995; Professional firefighter/paramedic – 1995 to 2013. Retired at the rank of Lieutenant.

Education/degree: Associate’s Degrees in Fire Science and general Studies – Oakland Community College. Many certificates of training related to my firefighting and EMS service.

Q1. My top issue is the economy, I would work to lower tax rates especially the tax rate on overtime pay, make sure social security and Medicare are fully funded, protected and kept up with inflation, expand free community college, ensure corporations are held accountable for price gouging.

Q2.  1 – An economy that works for everyone. We were warned in the 1990’s about shipping vital manufacturing jobs overseas and now it’s come back to hurt our economy with severe supply chain issues. American jobs for American workers. 2 – Modernize our electrical grid. We’re about to build a lot of EV’s and the batteries that power them in our state and we need a modern grid that will support those vehicles and protect automotive jobs while providing jobs for the workers that build a modern infrastructure. 3. Address Climate Change – Climate Change is negatively affecting our economy in a variety of ways from agriculture to auto jobs. Addressing climate change will protect our environment, our current economy and create new jobs.

Q3. I have more experience than any other candidate in this race, Democrat or Republican. As a current local legislator and former State Representative, I’ll be effective on day one.

Rhonda Powell declined to respond.

Republicans (2)

Name, age: John James, 41

John James
John James

Family: Wife, Elizabeth; Children, John, Hudson, Christian

Occupation(s)/job(s), current and past: President, James Group International (2012-Present); Captain, U.S. Army (2004-2012)

Education/degree: United States Military Academy, BS; University of Michigan, MBA; Pennsylvania State University, MS

Q1: Inflation is the number one issue in the 10th district. We must build a stronger economy by regaining our manufacturing and energy independence, win new mission for Selfridge, bring jobs back from overseas and keep future jobs from leaving for other states. Not only will smart, aggressive investment in manufacturing and defense makes us safer here at home, it will make us more prosperous. We will be able to build products we sell to the rest of the world — creating more and more high-quality, long-lasting and good-paying careers for Michigan families.

Q2: Inflation: We must lower prices starting with gas and food. Small businesses and blue-collar workers are being crushed by rising costs and the government makes things worse. Repatriation: We need to regain our manufacturing, agricultural and energy independence, to bring our jobs back from Mexico and China and keep future jobs from leaving. Education: Children’s outcomes shouldn’t be determined by zip code. I want public, charter and private schools to be successful. Parents have the right to choose.

Q3: This district is the number one manufacturing district in the nation, and for the first time I can remember, Selfridge, TACOM, and TARDAC are in the same district. My experiences in the automotive supply chain industry and as a combat veteran have best prepared me for the opportunity to represent this district. I am the best fit, I have the right tools and I am in the best position to bring long overdue investment and opportunity back to the District.

Name, age: Tony Marcinkewciz, 27

Tony Marcinkewciz
Tony Marcinkewciz

Current and/or past elected offices held: I have never been a politician.

Occupation: Software Engineer – 6 years (Post Grad); Factory Worker – 5 years (Pre Grad)

Education: Bachelor of Science – Information Technology – Central Michigan University

Concentrations – Web Development and Database Development

Q1. My top local issue will be televised lockdown accountability hearings so that Michiganders can get an answer as to why leaders like our governor pursued policies that resulted in the loss of lives and livelihoods across Michigan and stunted school age children’s development statewide. Steps: 1. Write a resolution for investigation into Pandemic Policy and outcomes. 2. Outline the governmental actors at the (former/current) state and federal level. 3. Submit the resolution and work with The Speaker Of The House to put the bill on the agenda for a vote.

Q2: My top issue will be decreasing energy prices as they have an outsized effect on our  economic situation. But the long term issue to fix is the de-industrialization of our nation causing us to be so reliant on the coastal transportation of goods in the first place. Steps: 1. Pursue a seat on the Energy Committee/Shadow a member on the Committee.  2. Advocate for leasing of federal lands, pursue energy independence policies. 3. Utilize the energy we extract to move towards nuclear power for stationary sources displacing demand for gasoline. (Homes, Businesses, etc.)

Q3: I’ve grown up in the Macomb/Oakland area most of my life and live here to this day. My systems and technology experience adds a unique skill set/perspective to Congress. I have an inquisitive mind and transparent pursuits going into Washington DC. so constituents can hold me accountable.


Republicans (2)

Name: Lisa McClain, 56

Lisa McClain
Lisa McClain

Family: Spouse, Mike McClain; Children, Ryan, Riley, Mitchell, Barak

Current and/or past elected offices held: U.S. Representative for Michigan’s 10th Congressional District

Occupation(s)/job(s), current and past: Current, U.S. House of Representatives (since 2021); Past, Hantz Group, Senior Vice President

Education/degree: BBA in Business from Northwood University

Q1: Combating inflation and reigniting the American economy is my top priority. When I walk around my district, I always hear about the prices of gas and groceries, and how people have had to change their lives in order to make ends meet. People can’t afford basic necessities right now, and we must work to change that.

Q2.  Border security is national security, and I have made it a top priority to secure our southern border. When I visited and witnessed first hand the chaos of the border crisis, it showed me how urgent this issue is right now. We must do more to give our border patrol the resources they need, and we must finish building the wall.

Q3: I was in the private sector for three decades, and I ran a company of 700 employees. That experience gave me an upper hand when I got to Congress because it let me see the government through an economic lens. I am running again because there is more work to be done on behalf of Michigan’s new 9th District, and I am eager to continue representing this great state.

Michelle R.E. Donovan did not respond.
