San Antonio man gets 25-year prison sentence for animal abuse caught on camera

SAN ANTONIO — A San Antonio man has received a 25-year prison sentence, one of the longest ever handed down in the state of Texas, for abusing a dog in 2019, the City of San Antonio said.

Frank Javier Fonseca, 56, was caught on camera punching and kicking his Rottweiler on his front porch at his home in the 1200 block of Fenfield in Feb. 2019, the city said. 

Fonseca was seen hitting his dog with a closed fist and a piece of wood, choking and kicking the dog. The city says Animal Care Services investigators reported that Fonseca was punishing the dog for getting out of the yard.

Fonseca’s sentence is one of the longest punishments for animal cruelty ever recorded in Texas, the city said. The city adds that past felony convictions allowed for the heavier sentence.