Arizona real estate agent hailed hero after rescuing dog from burning home

A local real estate agent is hailed as a hero when he saved a dog from a house fire in Mesa.

He had just finished showing a house when he noticed another house nearby was on fire. That’s when he jumped into action.

Nick Reeves was in the right place at the right time. Little did he know he’d be saving a dog from a house fire.

“I was just showing some clients, some homes and once I was done with the showing in the neighborhood, I saw some smoke coming from what I thought was a tractor,” he said.

The fire happened on June 8 when a Mesa home near Guadalupe and Sossaman roads burst into flames.

“It slowly became bigger and more smoke, and so I rushed to it and saw that the house is on fire,” Reeves said.

Reeves and some neighbors jumped in to help.

“My first thought was obviously to make sure everyone’s OK and safe. You can replace a house, but not a life,” he said.

He’d later find out there were no people inside, but there was a dog trapped in the home.

“I just jumped the wall and saw dog droppings and figured I would jump into action,” Reeves recalled.

Instead of selling a house that day, he saved a dog inside a burning one.

“Ultimately, I think a lot of people in my in that situation would have done the same thing for me,” he said.

Reeves wouldn’t go as far as calling himself a hero, but he’s glad he could help before first responders got there.

“I think the true heroes are the police officers, the first responders, the military that do this day in and day out as a job,” he said.

Reeves says nobody was hurt in the fire. It’s still unclear how it started.
