Geneva Firefighter Extends Heroic Efforts to Save Dog After Mims Traffic Accident

On Saturday afternoon in Geneva, an event unfolded that reminded the local community of the everyday heroes walking among them. SCFD’s own Johnny Walker, a firefighter assigned to Engine 42, found himself amidst the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident. According to the Seminole County Fire Department’s post, the incident occurred on State Road 46 in Mims at approximately 2:46 p.m.

After ensuring everyone was safe from the crash, he rescued a scared dog caught up in the chaos. The SCFD shared this story online, highlighting that no people were injured, which could be overlooked in such a tragic situation.

The SCFD’s online post highlights the special bond between people and animals. While they didn’t share more details about the crash, their focus was on the quiet bravery of their work