Results pending for Crumbley’s psych exam, judge keeping accused mass shooter in adult jail

Attorney Paulette Loftin, court-appointed to represent suspected school shooter Ethan Crumbley, said the 15-year-old’s forensic exam has been completed and results are expected within 45 days.

Crumbley, charged with multiple counts of homicide and other felonies in connection with the  mass shooting at Oxford High School last November, underwent the psychological evaluation at the state’s Center for Forensic Psychiatry, ordered by Oakland County Judge Kwame Rowe as requested by Loftin. Loftin has indicated an insanity defense.

Meanwhile, at a placement hearing Thursday, Rowe said he’s not changing his decision from last month to have Crumbley stay in the Oakland County Jail rather than be moved to Children’s Village, the county’s juvenile facility. The law requires placement hearings every 30 days for minors being held in adult facilities for a judge to decide if needs are being met.

Crumbley’s cell is in the jail’s infirmary, where he’s kept apart from other inmates.

Though little was discussed at the latest placement hearing, Crumbley’s guardian ad litem Deborah McKelvey said the teen’s educational needs are beginning to be addressed. She said a “strict disciplinary academy” as well as cyber schooling are options, starting next fall.

Crumbley’s next placement hearing, which will also be a pretrial hearing, is scheduled for April 21. It’s possible results of his forensic examination will be presented at the hearing.
