California church leaders, shooting survivors join in prayer

California church leaders, shooting survivors join in prayer

just say that there isn’t any sheriff or chief of police in this nation that wants to return. Uh, and have this type of incident happened within their jurisdiction. It is always troubling when these types of incidents do occur, especially on the back of what just happened in Buffalo just the day prior. First and foremost, I have to give my thoughts and prayers to the family of dr john chang of Laguna Niguel. I will cover the details in which he interacted in this incident later in my remarks, but Dr chang did leave behind *** wife and two Children. He’s *** beloved member of his community is known for his hard work and work ethic in sports medicine and our thoughts and prayers go out to him, his friends in the community for their loss as well as the Geneva Presbyterian Church, Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church which used that physical location for their services, the Laguna Woods community and the Orange County community in general. What happened less than 24 hours ago is still unfolding. We’re still going through evidence as we speak. We sort of numerous search warrants that has collected articles that we will be evaluating as time goes on. And so we’re going to give you today as much information as we possibly can to connect the dots and tell you *** story, the tragedy that occurred yesterday afternoon in Orange County. First I want to start with the individual involved in this, this is an isolated incident. We do know that the individual at least every information that we have to this date shows that this individual was acting alone and we do know that based on information we have collected and I’m not going to go into the details of that evidence was *** politically motivated hate incident, agreements that this individual had between himself and the Taiwanese community at large. Yesterday afternoon, members of the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church Who shared *** space with press with Geneva Presbyterian Church since 2009. We’re having *** lunch banquet following their church service. The banquet was celebrating the return of one of their pastors who had recently returned from *** mission trip from Taiwan. There are approximately 50 people attending the banquet at that time. The individual involved in this heinous crime is david choe 68 of Las Vegas. He does have one uh family member living in the United States, but his wife and son are currently not residing in the United States. He lived in the residence by himself, at least with other people, but he rented *** room in that location. It didn’t have did not have other family members residing with him. It is believed that mr. The suspect involved, I’m sorry, I’m not going to say his name again. The suspect involved drove to Orange County on saturday. I was in the area around the church. We’re investigating and did come to church after their morning service. The suspect was not *** regular attendee of that church and there are no known ties or affiliations with that church other than his appearance there yesterday during the lunch, the individual involved. The suspect was able to secure the doors within the church with chains and tried to disable locks within the church with superglue. He started shooting inside the building and five people were wounded by gunshots and mr chang, as I mentioned, lost his life. All the parishioners attending were Asian Americans ranging in age from 66 years old, 2 92 years old. Two of the victims are *** married couple in their mid 80s. Dr Cheng 52 of Laguna Niguel took heroic actions that day. In fact, I want to pause and just tell you that Dr chang is *** hero in this incident based on statements from the witnesses and corroborated by other means. It is known that Dr chang charged the individual. The suspect attempted to disarm him, which allowed other parishioners to then intercede taking the suspect into custody without the actions of Dr chang, it is no doubt that there will be numerous additional victims in this crime. Unfortunately after Dr chang tackled the suspect, he was hit by gunshots and he was pronounced deceased at the scene during the struggle. Other person got involved. *** pastor threw *** chair at the subject and they were able to render him uh subdued and tied him for others before law enforcement is able to arrive on scene. Deputies arrived within minutes following the 911 call from inside the church, they forced entry into the church building and took the c the suspect safely into custody. two handguns were recovered at the scene. The special agent with the ***. T. F. Will discuss those handguns specifically after the suspect was detained. Our deputies began life saving measures soon followed by response by the Orange County Fire Authority who took over first aid medical care. five victims were taken to local hospitals. I want to thank Oc F. ***. For their immediate response and their partnership we have with them and serving our community and providing character the victims. Homicide investigators have worked tirelessly throughout the night to learn what we can share about the incident that occurred. I mentioned that numerous search warrants have been served both on the individual, the residents in Las Vegas and *** vehicle that is registered to the subject that was located within the parking lot. We know that the subject involved is *** U. S. Citizen who immigrated from china. He has built that lived in the United States for many years, including other states, including texas. He worked as *** security guard and security jobs in the Las Vegas area is not believed to be associated with any specific church or any religion and there’s no direct connection to the church or any member of the church that we are aware of. But this investigation is still ongoing during the day of the incident. Yesterday he drove to the church parking lot. On sunday his car has been searched and is still being processed by the Orange County crime lab and evidence was collected linking him to this crime based on preliminary information in the investigation. It is believed the suspect involved was upset about political tensions between China and Taiwan. In addition to the evidence collected from the vehicle and to show the intent of this specific suspect. During the course of his arranging his assault, we located several bags within the facility. They contained magazines with additional ammo for molotov cocktail like incendiary devices that he had placed around the inside of the church during the search warrant in las Vegas. With the assistance of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police. I want to thank the department as well for their assistance. Evidence was collected at that scene including electronic devices and we do have *** cell phone that was left at the scene from him as well. We’re still early in this investigation and we’re working collaboratively with are not only the the Orange County District Attorney, Todd spitzer and his staff, but also with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, alcohol, alcohol, tobacco, and firearms to corroborate on where this investigation leads next and any charges that were brought forth against the suspect in these attacks. I do want to also say that incidents like this and that occurred, have *** heightened sense of awareness for our community and when these things do happen. We have *** heightened presence within our community to make sure those places of worship or any particular individuals targeted have an increase perception of their safety within the communities we serve. I want to thank also the deputies responding to this incident specifically. We train, it’s unfortunate we now live in environment that we have to train for these types of incidents on *** regular basis. And I can tell you that the members of my organization, Orange County Sheriff’s Department are trained to the highest level in emergency response and tactical readiness in the event that something like this were to occur. I want to thank the allied agencies who assisted us. Specifically Chief john Lewis at the Newport Beach Police Department, his staff who provided translators and also the Irvine Police Department chief mike Kent for his assistance in Irvine. I also want to think specifically the city of Laguna Woods, Mayor carol moore and the Laguna Woods City Council for their awareness and concern for their community. But also there um their continued support of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department is *** contract partner providing law enforcement services to their community for many years. I still want to acknowledge several people behind me or here who won’t be speaking, but it has been tremendously supportive of our efforts and that includes supervisor lisa Bartlett who is the fifth district supervisor, Congresswoman Katie Porter who represents that area as well and especially the federal partners whom we have *** phenomenal relationship. We’re here in Orange County, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who you’ll here from shortly, the ***. T. F. And other federal partners as well. And lastly, I really want to thank the members of the congregation who were there yesterday, their actions following dr chang’s attack on the suspect, rendering him at least incapacitated momentarily. But their quick actions really brought to resolution and conclusion this incident that could have been much, much worse. And I want to really emphasize that the majority of the people in attendance were elderly and they acted spontaneously heroically. And if not for their quick action, the way that this individual set up that environment to kill many more people. There would have been many, many more lives lost, if not for the concerted effort of the members of that church.

When a gunman began shooting at a Taiwanese American church luncheon, Shoei Su said he froze.The retired appraiser uses a walker and said he and many of the elderly congregants didn’t immediately know what was happening. He said the shooter said nothing before firing on churchgoers who were snapping photos after finishing lunch following last Sunday morning’s prayer service.Nearly a week later, Su said he can’t sleep and is struggling to heal from the attack that killed one and wounded five in the close-knit congregation in the Southern California community of Laguna Woods, which is made up largely of retirees.“At that time, we were not afraid,” he said. “Later, when we think about it, we’re afraid.”His comments came as survivors, churchgoers and leaders from the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church joined in prayer Saturday and thanked community members for their support at an event on the campus of Geneva Presbyterian Church, where the Taiwanese congregation shares space.Authorities say the gunman, David Chou, 68, of Las Vegas, was motivated by hatred of Taiwan, where he was born and grew up after his family was forced from mainland China when Communists took control. He had no connection to the church but spent about an hour with attendees apparently to gain their trust so he could execute his plot, authorities said.Authorities said Chou had two 9 mm handguns and three bags containing four Molotov-cocktail-type incendiary devices and ammunition. They said he chained doors shut and glued locks before he began shooting.Dr. John Cheng, the 52-year-old son of a congregant, charged him and was shot. He died at the scene, but his quick action disrupted the shooter, who was then hit by a chair thrown by the church’s former pastor, Billy Chang, and jumped on by several congregation members who used an extension cord to tie him up until police arrived.Cheng was the only person killed. Five others were wounded, including four men aged 66 to 92 and an 86-year-old woman.The community is still reeling from the attack. At Saturday’s event, churchgoers bowed their heads in prayer and several sobbed. Bouquets of sunflowers and roses were laid out with notes reading “RIP Dr. Cheng.”Pastor Albany Lee, the congregation’s leader who was away last Sunday, said he remembers meeting with Cheng a few months ago while visiting the family after Cheng’s father died. He said Cheng, who didn’t usually attend the Taiwanese congregation but took his mother there last week, in his eyes is more than a hero but one of two angels who, along with Chang, saved the community.On Sunday, his congregation will resume its weekly prayer service. Security will be tight and no media coverage allowed on the Geneva campus.Lee said trauma specialists will be available to assist the community for the next few weeks and coming together for worship is critical, despite the pain many feel.“I think this is the most important time that we need to come together as a faith community,” he said. “We can help each other.”

When a gunman began shooting at a Taiwanese American church luncheon, Shoei Su said he froze.


The retired appraiser uses a walker and said he and many of the elderly congregants didn’t immediately know what was happening. He said the shooter said nothing before firing on churchgoers who were snapping photos after finishing lunch following last Sunday morning’s prayer service.

Nearly a week later, Su said he can’t sleep and is struggling to heal from the attack that killed one and wounded five in the close-knit congregation in the Southern California community of Laguna Woods, which is made up largely of retirees.

“At that time, we were not afraid,” he said. “Later, when we think about it, we’re afraid.”

His comments came as survivors, churchgoers and leaders from the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church joined in prayer Saturday and thanked community members for their support at an event on the campus of Geneva Presbyterian Church, where the Taiwanese congregation shares space.

Authorities say the gunman, David Chou, 68, of Las Vegas, was motivated by hatred of Taiwan, where he was born and grew up after his family was forced from mainland China when Communists took control. He had no connection to the church but spent about an hour with attendees apparently to gain their trust so he could execute his plot, authorities said.

Authorities said Chou had two 9 mm handguns and three bags containing four Molotov-cocktail-type incendiary devices and ammunition. They said he chained doors shut and glued locks before he began shooting.

Dr. John Cheng, the 52-year-old son of a congregant, charged him and was shot. He died at the scene, but his quick action disrupted the shooter, who was then hit by a chair thrown by the church’s former pastor, Billy Chang, and jumped on by several congregation members who used an extension cord to tie him up until police arrived.

Cheng was the only person killed. Five others were wounded, including four men aged 66 to 92 and an 86-year-old woman.

The community is still reeling from the attack. At Saturday’s event, churchgoers bowed their heads in prayer and several sobbed. Bouquets of sunflowers and roses were laid out with notes reading “RIP Dr. Cheng.”

Pastor Albany Lee, the congregation’s leader who was away last Sunday, said he remembers meeting with Cheng a few months ago while visiting the family after Cheng’s father died. He said Cheng, who didn’t usually attend the Taiwanese congregation but took his mother there last week, in his eyes is more than a hero but one of two angels who, along with Chang, saved the community.

On Sunday, his congregation will resume its weekly prayer service. Security will be tight and no media coverage allowed on the Geneva campus.

Lee said trauma specialists will be available to assist the community for the next few weeks and coming together for worship is critical, despite the pain many feel.

“I think this is the most important time that we need to come together as a faith community,” he said. “We can help each other.”
