‘Deeper than academic achievement’: Markham teenage hero saves stranger’s life just before heading to university

Marcus Chan, an 18-year-old from Unionville, was wrapping up his summer by selling old items his parents were getting rid of to make some extra cash before starting university. Little did he know, one of those sales would turn into a life-saving event.

On Wednesday, Aug. 28, Marcus was helping a man load a lawn mower into his car when the man suddenly collapsed. Marcus barely had time to react but quickly caught the man to break his fall, then started shouting for help. His family rushed outside, each thinking something different — his brothers thought Marcus was pulling a prank, his dad thought Marcus was being attacked and his mom was just concerned.

Amid the chaos, Marcus noticed the man struggling to breathe. While his dad dialed 911, Marcus’s CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training from his lifeguarding job and swim classes kicked in and he immediately started chest compressions. Meanwhile, his mom and brothers scrambled around the neighbourhood, knocking on doors to find anyone with medical training.

Minutes felt like hours. The fire truck arrived, but Marcus was told to keep going with CPR. “At that point, I could see the worry in my son’s eyes and the sweat rolling off his face,” said Linda Ngo-Chan, Marcus’ mother.

Finally, paramedics arrived and took over. The whole family held their breath as emergency medical services staff worked on the man in the ambulance. Police arrived to take Marcus’ information and story of what happened, but it was still a “wait and see” situation.

After 45 tense minutes, the paramedics returned with good news: the man had a pulse and was breathing on his own. They told Marcus, “You are responsible for saving this gentleman’s life and have given him a good fighting chance to survive.”

Later, the man’s son texted Marcus to let him know his father had undergone heart surgery and was stable.

“My son is a superhero in my eyes and has taught me an important lesson of being present in life and doing everything we can for those around us,” said Linda, “At such a young age, right before starting university, Marcus has already experienced something deep, deeper than any achievement granted by an educational institution — he has saved someone’s life, the precious gift of life.”

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