Little Boy Jumps Into Action To Save Little Sister as Tragedy Is About to Strike

A little boy in Mobile, Alabama, donned a Superman costume this week — not an unusual thing for a kid his age to do, but the reason behind it was certainly unusual.

That’s because 6-year-old Kayden Reid is being hailed a true hero near and far after saving his baby sister from getting hit by a car.

On Tuesday, Kayden, his 2-year-old sister Kaycee and their mother Kayla Giles, were at a family get-together.

Kaycee had been in the house with another family member, but Giles said that a miscommunication led to Kaycee wandering out of the house and into the front yard, where Kayden was playing with his hoverboard on the sidewalk.

Thankfully Kayden was there, and thankfully he saw when Kaycee darted out into the street. A car was coming, and Kayden saw that, too.


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The little boy managed to make it out in time to save Kaycee — but he was injured in the process.

“And I seen her and I had to go get her before she got ran over by the car,” he told WALA-TV. “But — but that’s when the car hit me.”

“By the time everybody else saw [Kaycee] … Kayden was right there,” Giles said, according to Fox News. “He ran right into the street to save her … But in the process of getting her out the way, he got hit by the car.

“We’re just thankful that we have both … kids here today.”

Kayden spent a little time at the hospital, but is doing well and is back home. Wanting to do something extra special to recognize their little hero, the family reached out to other local heroes and the fire department showed up at the boy’s house in style.

“The family reached out to us, you know, after we had responded to the scene and transported Kayden as a precautionary measure after he’d been struck by the vehicle[to the hospital],” Public Information Officer Steven Millhouse said.

“The family reached out to us to celebrate this remarkable feat that Kayden accomplished.”


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Kayden got to explore the fire truck that pulled up and has enjoyed the title of “hero” from all who have heard of his bravery.

“My momma called me a hero because I saved my baby sister,” Kayden said.

“He’s definitely a hero,” Millhouse agreed. “He’s got the heart of a hero.

“But as a six-year-old young man, for Kayden to be able to recognize what was happening and react the way that he did … He’s definitely a beacon for our future.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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