Mother saved by 12-year-old son hopes more children will learn life-saving techniques

CABARRUS COUNTY — One mom is praising her 12-year-old son as quite the hero this holiday season after he stopped his mother from choking.

Tal’meisha Frontis was washing dishes and joking with her son Dec. 6. She had made tacos for dinner and was still eating while cleaning up.

While laughing, she suddenly began to choke.

“I started choking,” Frontis recalled. “I felt my eyes water and I couldn’t breathe. But before I could even say anything or do anything, my son came over to me.”

He started the heimlich maneuver on her and was able to help dislodge the blockage.

After it was over, Frontis said she was just glad, in that moment, to be alright. Her son, Santana Sowell, took her over to the couch and watched over her as he finished his homework.

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But as the night went on, Frontis had a few questions.

“I have no idea where he learned the heimlich maneuver,” she said laughing.

When she asked her son, he explained that after seeing it mimicked on television, he had a basic idea on what to do.

“I’m certainly glad for that,” Frontis joked.

But it was her son’s calm demeanor and quick action that stunned Frontis.

“My son did not freak out. It was shocking. I’m a licensed therapist, so I incorporate breathing techniques and things like rain sounds into our lives. But he was just very calm and helpful the whole time.”

Given his young age, she was also impressed. But it got her thinking about things like the heimlich maneuver and even life saving actions.

Frontis thinks it should be something younger people should be exposed to more.

“I have training at work, but our children — this should be something taught at school. That definitely changed my perspective,” she said.

Cabarrus EMS Deputy Cheif Justin R. Brines said the more people who know how to do things like the heimlich maneuver, the better.

“It is invaluable to us to have the public educated in maneuvers like that,” Brines explained. “The heimlich maneuver is a very effective method.”

The time between someone being in need and the first responders being on scene can be a few minutes. If people in the vicinity can help someone until first responders are on the scene, it helps, Brines explained. That’s why education is a huge part of what EMS does.

“It is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle for us to help take care of the public,” Brines said.

In certain cases, it can even help prevent a call to 9-1-1.

“After successfully performing something like the heimlich, a person may not need EMS,” he said.

But for other maneuvers like chest compressions and full CPR, Brines said, learning them can also be beneficial, especially to aid in the time between a person is in need and help arrives.

And learning these things at a younger age is also beneficial. While high schools provide cpr training, younger children can also benefit, Brines said.

“Honestly the ideal age is just as soon as they are able to do the physical portion,” Brines said “Even if they aren’t 100% effective. Something is better than nothing.”

Cabarrus EMS has several ways to help educate the public on life saving techniques, including its booth at the county fair where kids as young as 6 or 7 have participated in learning chest compressions.

Once a quarter, EMS holds a public CPR education event. At the first of the year, people can begin to look for signup slots for training. EMS also holds training events at places like neighborhood clubhouses. And EMS will also agree to hold a training class for other organizations that ask. To get information on training classes, Brines said the public can contact a local fire department or contact Cabarrus EMS for training information.

For Frontis, she is glad her son was able to step in.

“He was so strong,” she said. “He had me sit right next to him afterward. He wouldn’t let me out of his sight. I had never seen him like that before. I was just grateful.”

Information on Cabarrus EMS health topics like CPR is located at
