Tulsa school resource officer hailed a hero after saving student’s life

TULSA, Okla. — A local school resource officer is being hailed a hero after saving a student’s life.

For Tulsa Public Schools Resource Officer, Lyndell Shoals, he loves his job whether it’s greeting kids in the hallway or making sure everyone’s wellbeing at Monroe Demonstration Academy is taken care of.

Shoals told FOX23 he’s always prepared to keep students out of harms way but he didn’t expect last Wednesday to save student Dewayne Harris’ life by doing the Heimlich maneuver.

“It was in a rush. I was just eating all my food, stuffing it all in my mouth, and started choking. I tried to save myself but officer Shoals saved me,” Harris said.

Shoals said he takes his oath to serve and protect seriously. 

“It’s important to me the kids are safe and go home every day,” Shoals said.
