Vallejo community helps out family of Napan killed in robbery

For years, veteran and Napa resident Bob Sundin visited Scotty’s Restaurant in Vallejo on Tennessee Street before starting his work day.

On Tuesday morning the tables of the restaurant were turned to help the Sundin family, which has been mourning in tragedy.

A week after Sundin was killed while protecting Scotty’s waitress Teresa Brasher in an attempted robbery, the restaurant held a “Breakfast for Bob” fundraiser, with 100% of the day’s proceeds going toward Sundin’s family. Another $25,000 was also raised for the family via a GoFundMe drive.

Sitting at the counter on Tuesday, next to a framed picture of Bob, was his wife, Sandra. The two have been married since 1978 after meeting three years earlier while they both worked in the Marines.

“Today is very bittersweet, but I am very thankful to everyone that came out and helped me today,” Sandra said. “It proves that he had friends that cared about him just as much as he cared about them. So I’m very thankful for everyone helping me.

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“Bob was always a helpful person,” Sandra continued. “Even before he stepped out to help others this past week. When I heard about what happened I thought, ‘Well, that’s exactly what he would do.’ He was very devoted to the Marines and devoted to his church. And he was always caring about people.”

His caring went to “hero” status Thursday when Brasher was pulling up in her car to open the restaurant at approximately 5:30 in the morning. Brasher noticed Sundin pulling up in his truck behind her near 1645 Tennessee St. Moments later, Brasher got out of her car, noticing a morning “filled with more fog than usual.”

“I pulled into work, Bob pulls in behind me with his truck and I started to get out of my car. I always look around me and I had my purse and my keys ready to open the door,” Brasher said last week. “Suddenly a saw a young Black man, probably in his early 30s, came up near me on an electric scooter. He had a ski mask on but I could see the white in his eyes. He pointed at my purse and that he wanted it and immediately I jumped back into my car, shut the door and locked it. The man was around my car trying to get me to come out.”

That’s when Brasher saw Sundin get out of his truck.

“I saw Bob get out of his car and I was telling myself, ‘No, no, no, no, don’t get out! Please, don’t get out,” Brasher said. “Bob is not aggressive or mean — he’s a real sweetheart. But he was just defending me. The man grabbed Bob’s shirt and then it looked like Bob grabbed his shirt. Then I heard a gunshot.”

According to Vallejo police, officers arriving on the scene saw Sundin suffering from at least one gunshot wound. He was pronounced deceased at this time by medical personnel.

The motive and circumstances involving the shooting are under investigation. Anyone with information on this case has been asked to contact Detective Phillips (707) 648-4514 or Detective McDonough (707) 648-5425.

Sundin, known as “Tops” by many of his friends, was a regular at Scotty’s Restaurant and loved by many.

“There is just something about some of the customers that come in every day,” Brasher said last week, while fighting back tears. “When they come in, I know that I’m going to start their day off with a laugh. It might be a corny joke, but I’m going to make them smile. So this is tough. Bob was just a great person and he saved my life. He’s an absolute hero.”

Scotty’s Cafe owner May Ung, said Bob was “generally a nice person.”

“He was the type of person that would lend a hand to anyone at any time,” Ung said. “We had some really good conversations. He talked a lot with his counter buddies.”

As Ung spoke, a customer stopped by and place a check on the table. The total — $500.

“You see that?” Ung said, her eyes getting misty. “So many people have come in here today for Bob. A lot of people come in here anyways, but a lot have also come in to support Bob and his family. I’m not surprised that so many people came in today. I love seeing everyone come together like this. For me, having an event like this to help the family was a no-brainer of a decision.”

Sandra said she hopes this day can inspire others.

“A lot of hugs, there’s been a lot of big hugs today,” Sandra Sundin said. “Maybe this will inspire people to help each other out a little more, although with a different ending.”

Sundin’s story has been making waves in the news cycle, with stories coming out from as far away as the United Kingdom. The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission is considering an award for Sundin, according to Joe Mandak, the commission’s investigation manager. The 118-year-old nonprofit honors those who risk or lose their life rescuing or attempting to rescue others from life-threatening harm.

To donate to Sundin’s family visit

FOR THE RECORD: An earlier version of this piece misspelled reporter Thomas Gase’s name. 
