Wounded warriors cycle into Killeen auto dealership

With the clanging of nearly a dozen cow bells and a police escort to aid them in, several wounded warriors and first responders rode their bicycles into the parking lot of Cleo Bay Subaru in Killeen on Wednesday afternoon. The riders were taking part in the six-day Ride 2 Recovery Challenge, organized by Project Hero, that spans 500 miles.

Officials from the dealership on East Stan Schlueter Loop organized a lunch for the riders to partake in, which is something it has done since 2016, save for two years the ride did not take place because of the coronavirus pandemic.

“It’s one of the most rewarding things that we get to do as an organization,” said Michele Marquez, the assistant controller of Cleo Bay Subaru. “You’re looking at people that are wounded warriors and first responders. You’re looking at people that are putting their lives on the line for us.”

Marquez said a fellow Subaru dealership owner in Illinois connected her to Project Hero since Killeen is on the ride route between San Antonio and Fort Worth.

One of the riders, who unfortunately did not participate in Wednesday’s Georgetown-to-Killeen leg due to health reasons, was Patrick Kelly, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1977-1985.

“It means a lot to me because it saved my life — literally. I used to be on so many opioids,” Kelly said. “I’ve lost 70 pounds through cycling, I’ve gotten off all my opioids and when I consistently cycle, my legs don’t swell up.”

Aside from the physical benefits he has received, Kelly said the camaraderie is unmatched.

“It’s the closest I’ll ever get to being back in the military without being in the military,” Kelly said.

On Thursday, the riders will depart Fort Hood’s III Corps headquarters building at 10 a.m., en route to Waco.
