Reward claimed for returning stolen furniture to Tony’s Baltimore Grill

ATLANTIC CITY — Tony’s Baltimore Grill and its stolen outdoor furniture set have been reunited, and two people responsible for the reunion can now chow down on a meal from the restaurant each week for the rest of their lives.

The pair returned the furniture and agreed to split the reward, Tony’s said on its Instagram page Monday.

The renowned restaurant posted to its social media pages in July that the furniture was stolen off the sidewalk outside the restaurant, offering anyone who could return the pieces or provide information about the dubbed “Atlantic Avenue Furniture Fiasco” cash, pizza for life and beer.

The reward went viral on social media in hopes someone could help return the stolen furniture.

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Instead of a pizza for life, the people who returned the furniture will each split a meal a week for the rest of their lives, the restaurant said on Instagram, displaying a photo of the furniture nestled back on its sidewalk.

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“If you come by the joint and say ‘sorry,’ we will accept your apology and buy you dinner,” the post said. “Until then, we will say our prayers that you have brighter days ahead. Quite the ending (we hope) to an unforgettable Atlantic City story.”

Tony’s received a direct message on social media informing it of the stolen furniture’s location, the restaurant said.

Tony’s said the alleged perpetrator stole the furniture and sold it to another party, who wanted to return it but didn’t, fearing charges would be pressed. But the restaurant did not press charges.

“Hopefully on your next trip into the joint you’ll notice that we gave the table the Scarlett letter treatment. A mark to remember it’s journey back home and that good things happen every day,” Tony’s post read.

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