Reward offered in theft of gay pride flag from Greensboro LGBTQ center


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A gay pride flag was stolen last week outside of the Guilford Green Foundation & LGBTQ Center in downtown Greensboro.

GREENSBORO — The Guilford Green Foundation is offering a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest of the individuals who ripped down the group’s Pride flag last Wednesday night.

A surveillance video shows the reflection of someone stealing the flag from the Guilford Green Foundation center in Greensboro, NC.

A surveillance video posted on the group’s Facebook page, shows the reflection of someone climbing on a recycling bin and taking the flag down at 9:15 p.m. outside of the group’s center, 121 N. Greene St.

“We fly the Pride flag outside of the LGBTQ center to celebrate Greensboro’s diversity,” the group said in an emailed statement. “This act of intentional vandalism can not be ignored anytime or anywhere and especially not when it is directed at a safe place for LGBTQ people.”

Executive Director Jennifer Ruppe said the group still does not know the identity of two people seen passing the center on video prior to the theft. Knowing that the community is widely sharing the surveillance photos on social media is comforting, she said.

“I think that’s a real testament to our city,” Ruppe said by telephone Monday. The group has filed a police report on the theft.

C. Rizleris volunteers at the center during youth night and was surprised that the flag was not flying in its usual spot. After hearing it was ripped down, the feeling was “scary,” they said.

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“It was a reminder that there’s still the hatred out there,” Rizleris, 36, said. “We want our youth to know they have a safe space, a protected space.”

Although the theft may be considered minor to some, Rizleris said the magnitude of it is hurtful to a community who frequently encounters bullying, discrimination, fear and uncertainty.

“I really hope the community can step in to make sure something like that doesn’t happen again,” Rizleris said. “We have to keep showing up.”

A new flag has since been raised and Ruppe said the community can support the organization in several different ways:

Share the reward information and surveillance photos.

Purchase a Progress Pride flag for the center using this link:; Guilford Green prefers to purchase directly from the designer or from Flags for Good because proceeds support LGBTQ organizations. The group will keep a few flags in stock and will distribute the rest to LGBTQ youth.

Donate to the center at

