‘This type of crime is very frustrating to me’: More Pride flags vandalized on Harrison Boulevard

The Boise Police Chief says the damage sits around $1000 and could be a felony. Mayor says Boise is a city for everyone.

BOISE, Idaho — About 15 to 20 Pride flags were ripped down on the night of June 22. Boise City Council Member Jimmy Hallyburton said he saw them while riding his bike and also received a message the morning of June 23, where a person had salvaged the flags and was looking for help.

The flags were indeed salvaged by community members and Hallyburton. Together, they fixed the damage and replaced the flags.

Boise Police Chief Ron Winegar and Boise Mayor Lauren McLean both issued statements on the crimes. Winegar called them “completely unacceptable.” He furthered in his statement that the department will be putting in the “necessary resources” into finding the culprits.

Mayor McLean said Boise is a city for everyone.

“I am so proud to live in a community where we stand up for one another. Throughout the week, Boiseans have donated money to replace the vandalized Pride flags on Harrison, have sewn and repaired and replaced this important symbol of solidarity and PRIDE. In Boise, we are fiercely committed to creating a city for everyone, where everyone means EVERYONE. There is no place here for hate-filled acts. Let’s keep doing what we always do: stare down hate and lift each other up,” McLean stated on social media.

I am so proud to live in a community where we stand up for one another. Throughout the week, Boiseans have donated money…

Posted by Mayor McLean on Sunday, June 23, 2024

Chief Winegar also reiterated the need for respect to community. 

“The actions taken by suspects on Harrison Blvd this month and in the month of June over the past several years are unfortunate and completely unacceptable. We have taken multiple reports of theft and destruction of Pride flags along the center of Harrison Blvd. as well as on nearby private properties. Whether the motivation of those responsible is to spread hate or cause destruction in our community, it cannot be tolerated.  This type of crime is very frustrating to me, not only because it is senseless and damaging to our community, but because it reflects so poorly on Boise,” Winegar said.

He went on to speak directly to the people responsible, or those who find the actions to be acceptable. 

“This is never okay! What a miserable way to express yourself and your views, destroying and stealing the property of another.  If you disagree with someone or something, you can find a productive way to express your feelings and opinions. And while you may argue that taking or destroying Pride flags is “political speech” or some expression of your opposition to those who belong to the LGBTQ+ community, it is not–it is hatred on display, and a crime, plain and simple!  If you have ever been the victim of theft or vandalism you understand how it impacts your sense of safety and security. If you believe it is appropriate to do this, think about how you would feel if someone took your personal property or destroyed it, based on your identity, choices, or lifestyle,” he said.

The flags are paid for with private funds, but Winegar stated that they are displayed with support from the city. The crimes are still being fully processed but the department estimates the losses to be over $1000. Winegar said that could make it a felony. 

Hallyburton gave the following statement to KTVB:

“This morning, while riding my bike down Harrison Boulevard, I saw that the pride flags have been torn down for the third time in a couple of weeks.  With a little bit of effort, I was able to pull together some neighbors to repair the damage flags, replace what we could, and the north and neighborhood association stopped by with additional replacement flags.  With the help of neighbors randomly stopping by to see how they could assist, we had all of the flags replaced in about 45 minutes. There were about 20 that had been torn down.  The Mayor, Police Department, and I are working on a more official statement to come out on Monday or Tuesday. I’ve also contacted my fellow City Council members. For now, I would just like to say that this behavior is not OK, it’s cowardly, it’s hateful, and the City Of Boise will not stand for it.”

This is not the first time there has been Pride vandalism on Harrison Boulevard. As KTVB previously reported, the Pride flags were also ripped down or vandalized just a few days prior on June 20.

On that day, 18 flags were damaged, 19 flags were stolen, 36 flag poles were damaged and three flag poles were stolen. 

This is also not the first year that the street has had vandalism problems during Pride. KTVB reported as far back as 2021 that the Pride flags have been vandalized on the street.

The community rallies everytime and puts the flags back up.

Evalee, Derek Hurd, and I making more poles for pride flags on Harrison! Andria Wallace bought a bunch of new metal and…

Posted by Jill Giese on Sunday, June 23, 2024

A fundraiser has been started by Boise Pride. The goal is $5,000. The fundraiser was at about 40% on the afternoon of June 24.

“This time, the funds raised in this campaign will not only be used for new materials to keep hanging Pride flags on Harrison Blvd and for a reward. 50% of the funds raised will go to the person(s) with information that leads to the arrest and conviction of those who perpetrated these crimes,” states the fundraising page.

People can learn more about the fundraiser or donate here

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