Where’s Andy? Owners suspect beloved Dania Beach neighborhood cat was stolen

DANIA BEACH, Fla. – Owners of a cat beloved in a Dania Beach neighborhood believe he’s so friendly that someone might have stolen him.

Andy, a 3-year-old orange cat who belongs to Thomas and Alice Resue, went missing from the Harbor Isles Villas community, located near the intersection of Griffin Road and Anglers Avenue, on Jan. 3.

He’s a staple in the townhome community and pretty much everyone knew him by name.

“He’s like a human that just loves people, loves dogs, wants to walk with every dog, wants everybody to pet him. He don’t care who it is,” Alice Resue said.

Neighbor Lisandra Mas said, “When I saw him, I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was the most beautiful cat I had ever seen! He was cute, he was loving, he loved to be pet, he was amazing!”

Andy, in fact, is so friendly, that he wears a special tag saying that he has a family.

“His collar has his name, Andy, and a little saying on it, ‘I know I’m cute, but you can’t keep me,’ and it has my phone number on it,” Resue said. “I can’t even stand that someone would actually take a pet that, you know, he has a home. You know, his collar tells you he has a home.”

But that’s exactly what Resue thinks happened. On moving day at the complex, Andy had attracted a crowd of fans.

“They had mentioned to other people that, ‘This cat is so good, we want to keep this cat,’ and they told him, ‘You can’t keep that cat, that cat has a home,’” Resue said. “That was the last anybody ever seen him.”

Resue has posted flyers offering a reward for Andy’s return and warning he needs his medication — and his family.

“He wasn’t just a regular cat, he was something out of this world,” Mas said. “Please, if you have Andy, please return him home. He has a family that misses him.”

If you have seen Andy, please call 315-576-0010.
