Investigators: Missing 12-year-old Georgia girl found more than 600 miles away, suspect in custody

Investigators: Missing 12-year-old Georgia girl found more than 600 miles away, suspect in custody

Maria Gomez-Perez disappeared May 29.

Well, good morning. Thank you all for being here. Uh Normally when uh I step up to the podium, uh sometimes the sheriff, I have uh bad news to report, but that’s not the case today. Uh Actually I’ve come to you with some very great news. Uh Maria Gomez Perez has been safe in Dover, Ohio and she should be on her way home here to Gainesville with our investigators. Uh within the hour. Uh Most of you in the stream have been following Maria’s case uh since she was first reported missing in late May. So I won’t go through *** detailed timeline of every nuance of our investigation. But I will say this, uh the last eight weeks have been grueling for those on our investigative team. I wanna thank them for their dedication and for putting their hearts and souls to bring Maria back to our community since we are still in the process of interviewing Maria about the specifics of the last eight weeks. Uh We will not be able to share all details about her disappearance, but we will tell you what we can when, when we get, get that information. Uh Maria was found yesterday in the company of *** 31 year old man, Antonio Augustin, he’s *** Guatemalan native and he, he’d been living in uh Northeastern Ohio. We believe Maria had been communicating for *** time with Mr Augustin via uh Facebook messenger and some other online apps. Uh Maria had indicated that she was unhappy and she wanted to leave home. We also know that she had been communicating with some other adult males online telling them the same thing. Now, that being said, let me be very clear on this. Uh, Maria is the victim in this case and remember she’s 12 years old. So our investigation has determined that Mr Augustin drove from his home in Ohio to Gainesville and picked up Maria on Wednesday. May the 29th, they traveled back to Ohio that same day and to our knowledge, uh, have been there ever since. Uh, the break in the case came last week when Maria contacted her father via Facebook messenger. Uh, she had created *** new Facebook page so she could reach out to him to tell him that she was ok and that she was not coming home. And she also asked him to stop looking for her. Uh, Mr Gomez Alonso told, um, our investigators about the message and members of our special investigations unit obtained the IP address of the Facebook page and were able to find the phone number associated with that account. They were able to track the phone to *** residence back in Dover, Ohio and believing that this information was *** credible lead to Maria’s location. We sent four investigators from our in cri Criminal Investigations Bureau to Dover. This week, they were able to track the phone to the Dover City swimming pool where they made visual contact with Maria and Mr Augustin when the two got into *** vehicle and traveled to *** nearby shopping center parking lot. Our agents along with mem members of the Tuscarawas County Sheriff’s Office followed them, they recovered Maria at the scene and Mr Augustine was arrested, Maria was taken to *** local hospital for *** wellness check and as I said, *** moment ago, she will be coming back home here to Gainesville. Today, Mr Gustin is in the custody of Tuscarawas County Sheriff’s office in Ohio. Uh The Hall County Sheriff’s office will also bring charges against Mr Guston after we consult with our local district attorney’s office. Again, the safe recovery of Maria is great news. Our investigators and our law enforcement partners including the GB I and the FBI are to be commended. Our community has been constant with their support and I appreciate all that has been done in the last two months. Our investigation is ongoing and our hope is to share additional information in the days to come. I don’t have *** specific timeline for those additional details, but we’ll give them out as soon as, as soon as we can I can’t let this moment go, but without imploring our parents, grandparents and guardians to watch over their Children very closely. Technology is *** wonderful thing. It helped us locate Maria, but also technology can also be used for evil. It’s why Maria was able to leave Gainesville with *** stranger and travel nine hours away from home. So please know what your Children are doing and who they’re communicating with. They’re our most vulnerable and our most valuable citizens and it’s our duty to take care of them. So, thank you. Now, I’ll take uh I’ll take *** few questions and to know what’s this guy’s history, Antonio? And how concerning is it that she was able to get in touch with him? And do you think that he’s been with other Children as far as this history that’s still to be determined? This, this is real fresh and ongoing. Uh I look forward to having those same answers to those questions. Um And it is so easy these days for kids to get online and communicate with people. And you know, it’s really scary to think that uh you know, there, there are people out there that will prey on Children and, and you know, she sought to leave home and this person came and got her back home. Now, what she’s done with her wellness check and what was her reaction? How was she doing? And I know she didn’t want to come home. So talk about that. Well, it’s one of those things where, uh, we will have to determine with uh, department, family, Children services in the court system, what’s in her best interest. So, again, that’s something that’s still fresh and, and we look to have an answer for you on that very soon, but every, everything will be in her best interest at first. Yes, sir. What at this time is Mr Augustin charged with? Well, well, of course, you know, he took *** child, *** 12 year old child across state lines so he can face several felony charges. And again, we’ll need to consult with the DAS office here to uh see what those additional charges will be here in ha in Hall County into Georgia. Of course, the Ohio authorities would have some other charges too with interference with custody and, and so forth so he could face several felonies in both states. Very serious. How is, how, how old is he? Yes, he is. He is uh 31 years old and he lives in *** residence in Dover. But other than that, I, I don’t know any more information about him, but still they were still looking at earlier this morning that are facing charges are under. Not to my knowledge. No, not at this time. You know, as the case goes forward could be, uh you know, I won’t rule that out, but at this moment, I, I don’t know of any Fox Five. How lucky are you guys to be able to find her because in *** lot of situations when two months passed by this circumstance could have been totally different. It could have been, you know, given the fact, you know, that she was 12 years old, I mean, she’s *** child and to, you know, for her to be able to, to put herself out there and, and, uh, there’s folks that will pray, you know, Children and that’s what happened. So we’re very fortunate uh that uh we were able to locate her. I’m gonna tell you, our, our investigators did *** tremendous job and stayed on this case night and day uh to locate her. And uh that’s something we’re very fortunate for, for quite some time, I think, uh she had been communicating with some other individuals online and as well. So that’s what, you know, trying to go through all those different uh communications and, and that’s why we went through several states um and trying to locate who she may be with and this, this one panned out and we’re very successful. So we’re very thankful for that. Yeah, two more from some people that help in the search for Maria. So they were advised by the GB to not to drive their own personal cars and coming to the press conference today or to do any searching for her and that there was some kind of extortion involved with this case. Can you speak to that at all. Extortion. I’m not familiar with that at all. No news to me. So, I don’t heard that. What about the telling of people who were helping with the surge and engaged with that not to drive their own personal cars because of their safety. Hm. I haven’t, we haven’t put out any kind of warning like that about driving their personal cars. I’m, I’m unfamiliar with that. Yeah. Sheriff Couch. I know there’s been *** lot of people in Gainesville that have obviously effort to try to get the word about parents. I know that there have been banners and, you know, billboard and all that stuff. And I know that there were also people who pitch in with the reward. What is your message just to the community of Gainesville after all this stuff that’s been going on over the last couple of months? Simple. Thank you. You know, uh we live in *** very uh caring community, *** very loving community. We’ve seen that time and time again, uh when we’ve had tragedy that has happened here and uh well, the way the community responded here was tremendous and we’re very thankful for that. Uh You know, it with the posters and the billboards and, and all the efforts that was put out there. I think it, it raises awareness that uh of how we do need to protect our Children and, and look out for them, especially with, you know, internet safety. I can’t stress that enough. And also, you know, it’s uh we are *** community that uh that believes in prayer and I, I do. And so I, I think of all the prayers and things that uh people did uh helped us in this situation. So I’m very grateful. Well, with this, actually, Maria, uh her communication with her father led to her own location, so she will not be getting the reward, of course. But uh um that was one thing that *** lot of folks step forward. I had phone call after phone call from business leaders in town uh offering their support. And so again, it goes back to, you know, your question about the community. It’s um there was such an outpouring of love and, and, and concern and that’s very heartwarming. You don’t see that *** lot of parts of the country these days. So very fortunate. I’m sorry. Well, actually they, they pledged the money, we never collect. It was one of those things where, you know, uh if uh if and when we determined that there was an individual that located her, then we would, you know, call those individuals to, to write checks. Basically for that, just one more question. And that is, I’m here. Also hearing that uh the department did not notify Maria’s dad when you, you put it out on social media first. Can you speak to that? That’s incorrect. That’s incorrect. The leading contacted her father last night or yesterday rather So, yeah, that’s incorrect. Ok. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you.


Investigators: Missing 12-year-old Georgia girl found more than 600 miles away, suspect in custody

Maria Gomez-Perez disappeared May 29.

Above video: The Hall County Sheriff’s Office provides update in the case FridayA 12-year-old Georgia girl not seen since May 29 has been found safe.On Thursday, the Hall County Sheriff’s Office announced that Maria Gomez-Perez had been found.RELATED: Georgia community unveils banner in hopes of finding 12-year-old girl not seen in weeksMaria, of Gainesville, had not been seen in two months. News of Maria’s disappearance led to a reward of $50,000 for information that would bring her home safely.On Friday, the HCSO announced an arrest had been made in connection to the case.Antonio Agustin, 34, was taken in custody in Ohio in connection with Maria’s disappearance. He is being held at the Tuscarawas County Jail.Investigations believe Agustin traveled to Gainesville and picked up Maria on May 29, the day she was last seen at her home. The two then traveled back to Agustin’s home in Dover, Ohio the same day.”We believe Maria had been communicating for a time with Mr. Augustin via Facebook Messenger and other online apps,” said Sheriff Gerald Couch in a Friday news conference. “Maria had indicated she was unhappy and wanted to leave home. We also know she had been communicating with other adult males online, telling them the same thing. That said, I want to be clear that Maria is the victim here. She is only 12-years-old.”Authorities say they got a break in the case last week when Maria set up a new Facebook page and contacted her father via Facebook Messenger to tell him she was okay and would not be coming home.Investigators tracked the IP address to Dover, Ohio, where they spotted Maria and Agustin. Maria was recovered in a shopping center parking lot and Agustin was taken into custody.According to the Tuscarawas County Jail, Agustin is being held on a rape charge.The case remains under investigation.

Above video: The Hall County Sheriff’s Office provides update in the case Friday

A 12-year-old Georgia girl not seen since May 29 has been found safe.


On Thursday, the Hall County Sheriff’s Office announced that Maria Gomez-Perez had been found.

maria gomez-perez

Hall County Sheriff’s Office

RELATED: Georgia community unveils banner in hopes of finding 12-year-old girl not seen in weeks

Maria, of Gainesville, had not been seen in two months.

News of Maria’s disappearance led to a reward of $50,000 for information that would bring her home safely.

On Friday, the HCSO announced an arrest had been made in connection to the case.

Antonio Agustin, 34, was taken in custody in Ohio in connection with Maria’s disappearance. He is being held at the Tuscarawas County Jail.

Investigations believe Agustin traveled to Gainesville and picked up Maria on May 29, the day she was last seen at her home. The two then traveled back to Agustin’s home in Dover, Ohio the same day.

“We believe Maria had been communicating for a time with Mr. Augustin via Facebook Messenger and other online apps,” said Sheriff Gerald Couch in a Friday news conference. “Maria had indicated she was unhappy and wanted to leave home. We also know she had been communicating with other adult males online, telling them the same thing. That said, I want to be clear that Maria is the victim here. She is only 12-years-old.”

Authorities say they got a break in the case last week when Maria set up a new Facebook page and contacted her father via Facebook Messenger to tell him she was okay and would not be coming home.

Investigators tracked the IP address to Dover, Ohio, where they spotted Maria and Agustin. Maria was recovered in a shopping center parking lot and Agustin was taken into custody.

According to the Tuscarawas County Jail, Agustin is being held on a rape charge.

The case remains under investigation.

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