Missing driver found dead in Penal

Five days after he was reported missing, the decomposing body of ridesharing services driver Shakem Charles was found in bushes off Sunrees Branch Road, Penal, yesterday.

The body was in an advanced state of decomposition and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing will be required to confirm the identity.

Relatives at the scene however believe it is the body of the missing 32-year-old father of two.

relative of Shakem Charles

shaken up: A relative of Shakem Charles is consoled at the location where his body was found yesterday, off Sunrees Branch Road, Penal. —Photo: TREVOR WATSON

The body was discovered around 9.20 a.m. by a search team, which included members of the Hunters Search and Rescue Team, officers of the Anti-Kidnapping Unit, and family and friends.

Speaking to the Express at the site following the discovery of the body, Hunters team leader Vallence Rambharat said the search was narrowed by the information received on Charles’ last whereabouts.

“We know for a fact the vehicle he was driving was in this area. Hence the reason that we thought it wise to collaborate with the police and indicate to them that we were willing to come into this area to search the area just in case something may have happened,” he said.

Vallence Rambharat

Vallence Rambharat, leader of the Hunters Search and Rescue Team, speaks to reporters at the location where the body of Shakem Charles was found yesterday in Penal. —Photo: TREVOR WATSON

After about an hour of combing the area, he said a body “clad in similar clothing to what Shakem was wearing” was discovered in the forested terrain a short distance from the road.

However, he added the body was yet to be officially identified, as it was in an advanced state of decomposition.

He said no spent shells were discovered at the scene.

Stringent measures

for passengers

At the scene yesterday, Charles’ brother, Ronande, called for more stringent checks to be applied for passengers using ridesharing services.

“The platform is more safe for the rider than the drivers. Honestly, this could happen to anybody because you really don’t know who it is you’re picking up. You don’t know these people personally… some safety features have to be implemented for passengers to upload their identification cards,” he said.

The current system maintained rigorous checks on the driver and allowed passengers to “make a profile and request a ride”, he said.

He said these changes could safeguard individuals who were “coming out to make an honest dollar to provide for their family”.

While this was a situation he wouldn’t “pray for my worse enemy”, he said the family was now given closure on what may have happened to Charles.

“To the persons who did this, I just want allyuh to know you all left somebody who have two children to see about; you leave them without a father.

“I don’t know how that will make allyuh feel, but I know as a human that will never make somebody feel good. Because just as how them children have a parent and a father, you all do too, and justice will be served,” he said.

TT RideShare issued a statement last evening extending condolences to the family of driver Shakem Charles.

It stated TTRS had been in contact with Charles’ family throughout the ordeal, and we will continue to support them where possible.

“To his family members, friends, and loved ones who are grieving this senseless loss of life, we extend our deepest sympathy during this most trying period. We ask that our driver-partners keep them in your thoughts and prayers,” it stated.

TT RideShare stated that upon learning of Charles’ disappearance, the company had been working closely with members of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS).

It stated that Charles completed one trip on July 9, which ended at around 5.25 pm.

“While our records reflect that no active rides were completed after that, all metadata from the application connected to Shakeem’s account has been shared with the TTPS to assist investigators.

“We continue to do all within our power to aid the police and hope that those responsible for this crime will be held accountable. As this is an ongoing police investigation, we must be cautious regarding the information we disclose,” it stated.


Charles, of Moruga Road in Indian Walk, was reported missing last week Tuesday.

His mother, Margaret Charles, said he contacted her around 2 p.m. and informed her that he was headed home. When he did not return home by 9 p.m. his father, Ronnie Charles, began calling his cellphone, but the calls went straight to voice mail.

He was employed with an audio/visual installation company in Port of Spain and took a second job as a ridesharing services driver last weekend to earn extra income to pay the instalments on his newly purchased Toyota Cross.

A notification from his bank stated that $500 was withdrawn from an automated teller machine (ATM) at a gas station on Rushworth Street in San Fernando on Tuesday night. The GPS later tracked the vehicle to Valencia, where it was found locked and abandoned.

It was taken to the Special Evidence Recovery Unit in Cumuto for forensic examination and fingerprint identification.

Ronnie said the police informed him security footage from the ATM was to be examined to identify the suspects.

Detectives have interviewed the last passenger Charles dropped off in Penal on Tuesday night.

His family had offered a reward of $15,000 for information on Charles’ whereabouts.
