MISSING: Green Bay P.D. search for missing teen girl

ASHWAUBENON, Wis: (WFRV) – The St.  Norbert College men’s college hockey team is in familiar territory. They are in position to win another conference championship, and nationally ranked in the top 10. But the big difference this year is, they are actually playing hockey to compete in a D-3 national championship tournament, and try to win another title.

“Obviously it’s important for all our guys, for our fans. For our season ticket holders. For our families. No question about it,” said head coach Tim Coghlin.  “Last year was a tough one. The reality is that Stevens Point won the 2019 national championship, and then we won it in 2018, and nobody’s played a tournament game since.”  Senior Forward Peter Bates added, “It’s definitely exciting to be back playing hockey, it was a pretty long year last year without playing games or anything like that. I think everyone’s just excited to be playing real hockey and being back with your team.”  Captain Jack Thomas also said, “After taking that much time off you have to rely on each other even more, and kind of stick to the structure that we’ve had. And we’ve had success in doing that. We’re just going to keep trying doing that for the last couple games.”
