Texas family desperately searching for lost Yorkie offers $5,000 reward

Roxie has been missing for close to a month.

SAN ANTONIO — A south Texas family is on a desperate search for their 6-year-old Yorkie after they say she got out from their yard in late December.

“We miss her so very much. We’ve had her since the moment she took her first breath and I actually delivered her,” said Samantha Domingo as she sat along side her husband Rey. She’s talking about her family’s dog Roxie. Domingo added, “It’s been three weeks and three days, and it feels like three years.”  

Three and a half weeks ago along with her actual mom Kobe and father Raider, the three Yorkies got out through the bottom of a fence around their home on Harvest Canyon in Marion, which is now boarded up. Domingo said, “She’s glued to my side everywhere that I go. But I think she thought they were going on a field trip together.” 

But on that trip the 6-year-old pup got separated and eventually ended up in a field. That’s when the now close to month long search began. Domingo told us, “I paused and I shouldn’t have paused. It was like 30 seconds. And then she was gone.” 

Domingo says so many in the community have come out to help try to find her. She added, “We had someone bring out their Blue Heelers to search the field. We had someone fly a drone over the field and in the surrounding area. It’s like she just disappeared. 

The couple and their son Dialano recently transitioned from a military life to a civilian life, and say that transition was tough, but Roxie made it easier. Rey Domingo said, “Roxie has been there for Sam, no matter if we’re upset, no matter if we’re happy.”  

But losing Roxie has been unbearable. Domingo said, “I had to make myself shower at first. I miss her so much.”  

They’ve put up fliers on their front door, cars, street signs and businesses. Domingo added, “We’re trying everything we can think of. Her husband Rey told us, “Some folks said, you know, put that dirty laundry out and you know what? They’ll do it put dog food out. We did it.” 

As well as Roxie’s favorite stuffed toy. Anything they can do to try to bring Roxie home. There’s even a reward which has now grown to $5,000 dollars. Domingo said, “Which has been a community effort. It’s not just us putting towards a reward. 

A reward for a dog they say is priceless. If you have any information about the 12-pound, mostly blonde, black and grey floppy eared ball of love, the family urges you to call 888-466-3242.
