Exchange Club of Haverhill honors 4 first responders

HAVERHILL — The Exchange Club of Haverhill honored four first responders during a recognition luncheon held on June 13 at Maria’s Galleria on Essex Street.

During the presentation, Exchange members read brief biographies of the award winners and why they were chosen.

Haverhill Police Detective Michael Mills was named Law Enforcement Officer of the Year; Haverhill Firefighter Lt. Brian Ray was named Firefighter of the Year; Nicholas Bellavia of the Essex County Sheriff’s Department was named Corrections Professional of the Year and Roland Courtemanche of Pridestar/Trinity EMS was named Emergency Medical Professional of the Year.

Mills, nominated by Police Capt. Meaghan Pare and assigned to the police department’s narcotics unit, was honored for his ability to develop relationships with the community, foster informants, and work with other state and local agencies.

“His constant desire to pursue innovative techniques have resulted in numerous arrests as well as the seizures of drugs, cash and firearms, putting pressure on drug dealers,” Pare said. “These lengthy investigations require commitment, patience, and often come at the overall cost of time spent with family. Detective Mill handles this responsibility with the utmost focus and dedication.”

Ray, who was nominated by Fire Chief Robert O’Brien, was honored for consistently demonstrating the highest level of professionalism. “He excelled as a firefighter through hard work, carrying that same work ethic to his current Lieutenant’s position, O’Brien said in his nomination letter. “Never one to shy away from work, Brian took on the supervisor role for our department’s SAFE program. Supervising the program instructors, Brian organizes all training events for the Haverhill School system and our Senior SAFE program and manages the funding from the State Grant.”

Bellavia was nominated by Essex County Sheriff Kevin Coppinger, who noted in his nomination letter that Bellavia has consistently been a shining star in the department. Coppinger said Bellavia arrives at work each day with a smile on his face and exudes a positive demeanor that makes him a pleasure to work with.

“Officer Bellavia is well liked and respected by his peers and supervisors,” Coppinger said. “He is committed to his duty of safeguarding both incarcerated individuals and the public. Many would agree that this officer consistently demonstrates a high level of integrity, and his attention to detail, his thoroughness in his assignments, and his ability to remain calm under pressure, make him an invaluable employee. Officer Bellavia often operates behind the scenes, never seeking recognition, but has proven to be a true unsung hero.”

Courtemanche was nominated by Christopher Dick, senior vice president of market and public relations for Pridestar/Trinity EMS who noted in his nomination letter that Courtemanche, while off duty, was traveling south on Interstate 495 last December when he happened upon a motor vehicle that had veered off the road and flipped over the guard rail.

“A group of people were trying to push the car right side up,” Dick wrote.

“That is when he (Courtemanche) and fellow first responder, Asst. Chief Michael Moriarty from MassPort Fire, took over the scene. They asked the group to stop pushing the vehicle and assessed the patient, who had no pulse. They then unclipped the individual and were able to extricate the individual out the back window of the vehicle. Roland noticed no trauma to the patient and immediately suspected a medical episode.”

Dick said Courtemanche informed dispatch that CPR was in progress. The Haverhill Fire Rescue truck showed up as well as the Massachusetts State Police.

“They were able to put an AED on the patient and continued their efforts to save the person’s life,” Dick wrote. “The patient was transported to Lawrence General Hospital.”