First Responders Luncheon honors local heroes

After two years without, the annual First Responder Luncheon, hosted by the I-94 West Chamber of Commerce, was back for its 10th year May 24, with a lunch and award ceremony.

The Minnesota Fallen Firefighters Color Guard and Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Honor Guard posted the colors, accompanied by a bagpiper. Ashley Carlson and Shane Marton sang the National Anthem.

The event honors local first responders and their heroic deeds while giving the chamber and community an opportunity to come and support them.

The History of the Luncheon

The First Responders Luncheon was created in 2010 by David Carlson and three other board members.

The I-94 West Chamber of Commerce was designed to work with business owners and businesses, but Carlson and the board members felt that starting the First Responders Luncheon was a chance to start focusing on the community. The first event was held at Rogers Community Center, but when over 100 community members came they ran out of room.

It was then moved to the Medina Ballroom. Medina hosted the event for the following six years. The Clam Outdoors Corporation has been donating its site since 2018 and is where this year’s event was held. Business owners, first responder chiefs, mayors, council members and surrounding community members all attend the event every year.

“It’s not only to recognize first responders who have gone above and beyond, but to recognize them for putting their lives on the line every day,” Carlson said.

How the awards work

Cities, police departments and fire departments are asked to nominate first responders in their departments – firefighters, police and EMS. All nominees that are sent to the luncheon board are then recognized.

This year 18 people and groups were recognized with awards from the I-94 Chamber communities of Rogers, Corcoran, Medina, St. Michael, Albertville, Wright County, Loretto, Brooklyn Park and Maple Grove.

The Law Enforcement Memorial Association, which assists families and home agencies of those in law enforcement who have died in the line of duty, and the Minnesota Fallen Fire Fighters Organization, which assists in preserving the memory of the Minnesota firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty, will receives all proceeds from the luncheon.

“Overall it’s heart-lifting,” Carlson said about the atmosphere of the event. “There are some stories that tug at your heartstrings. But that’s what it’s about, for us to understand and acknowledge what these first responders are doing.”

This year’s award recipients and honorees

Dick Bremer, the voice of the Minnesota Twins, was the master of ceremonies and introduced all those who were recognized.

Following is a list of those honored at the luncheon and a brief synopsis of the stories that were shared.

The first group to be awarded was Kyle Anderson and Josh Eull from the Albertville Fire Department. Office Kyle Gammel was also to be honored, but could not attend. They were recognized for responding to a medical in the City of Otsego. A 43-year-old male was suffering from an asthma attack and having difficulty breathing. Eull, Gammell and Anderson were at the Fire Station, teaching a CPR class when the call came in and responded less than 90 seconds later, saving the patient’s life.

Officer Andrew Tolbert from the Brooklyn Park Police Department was honored for responding to a call regarding two prowlers. As officers were establishing a perimeter, four children flagged down a passing squad car saying that two suspects had forced entry into their home and that their 7-year-old brother was still hiding inside. Entering the home the officers discovered that one suspect had barricaded himself in the upstairs bedroom with the 7-year-old and two firearms. Tolbert was able to contact the suspect’s mother by phone and speak with her and the suspect on speaker phone. The child was held hostage for approximately one hour while Tolbert tried to negotiate his release. The child was released unharmed.

Officer Clayton Decker from Corcoran Police Department was honored for assisting a female and her boyfriend after a snowmobile accident. He located the boyfriend and made sure they received help quickly to save their lives.

Reserve officer Scott VanHorrick of the Corcoran Police Department was recognized for helping an individual who needed CPR while VanHorrick was coaching a girls hockey team that had traveled just outside Philadelphia. CPR was administered until paramedics arrived. The individual made a recovery.

Officer Josh Lawson from the Corcoran Police Department was honored for responding to an unconscious 3-year-old and providing medical care.

Sgt. Brad Holzerland and officer Zachery Hanson from the Maple Grove Police Department were honored for rescuing two residents from a burning building. One of the residents had mobility issues and was trapped on a second-story deck. Holzerland and Hanson scaled the deck and organized with the other officers on the scene to get the residents down safely.

Fire Lt. Jeff Hendel from the Maple Grove Fire Department was recognized for 10 years of service.

Sergeant Steve Sarazin, officer Jeff Madson and officer Matt Nelson from the Rogers Police Department were honored for responding to a 14-year-old male who collapsed, and fell unconscious, during martial arts training. They provided CPR and medical care until a medical helicopter could arrive. Later it was learned the victim survived.

Officer Jeff Madson and Sgt. Brandon Wegner from the Rogers Police Department were honored for responding to a one-car rollover on I-94 and for providing medical care and assistance to the driver.

The Rogers Fire Department was honored for responding to a child who was run over by a car. The department was first on scene, stabilizing the child and helping other departments set up transportation to the hospital. The 3-year-old, who has recovered from her injuries, attended the event and a thank you letter was read to the Rogers Fire Department from the child.

Lt. Jim Eicher from St. Michael Fire Service was honored for 20 years of service. Lt. Dustin Kottke of St. Michael Fire was also honored for 12 years of service.

Deputy Jonathan Preusse and Sgt. Jeff McMackins from the Wright County Sheriff’s Department were honored for responding to an overdose. Narcan was administered. McMackins began breathing for the patient with a bag valve mask. The patient regained consciousness and was transported to Monticello hospital.

A tribute was made to Aaron John Bible from Loretto Fire Department, who died Dec. 1, 2021, at his residence in Loretto. Bible served on various volunteer fire departments for the past 14 years, including the Big Lake Fire Department and the Loretto Fire Department. Bible was a husband, father, son, brother, friend, firefighter and colleague. A moment of silence was taken for Bible and all fallen first responders.

For more information on the I-94 West Chamber of Commerce’s First Responders Luncheon go to