Grant provides needed gear for Mt. Aetna firefighters

The Albert E. and Naomi B. Sinnisen Foundation has awarded Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department a $14,607 grant.

The grant will provide four full sets of turnout gear, including bunker coats and pants, helmets, gloves, hoods and boots for firefighters.

“There is currently a yearlong waiting period between ordering turnout gear and receiving it, and this funding will allow us to buy essential equipment more quickly,” says Fire Chief Anthony Veney.

Last year, funding from the Albert E. and Naomi B. Sinnisen Foundation provided four sets of coats and pants, the highest-need turnout items at the time. The four complete sets of turnout gear provided through the current award will grant full-body protection to the volunteer firefighters.

Robert Spence, treasurer and board member for the fire department, said: “This charitable gift protects our firefighters from deadly smoke and other hazards while they’re out on a call. We’re incredibly thankful for the Albert E. and Naomi B. Sinnisen Foundation’s ongoing support of our fire department, helping us keep our firefighters safe as they save lives.”

Mt. Aetna Fire Department will host a private ceremony with foundation representatives at the firehall to recognize the award.

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