Letters: Save local democracy, demand a choice

The national news media’s main talking point in this 2024 election cycle is all about “Saving democracy.”

While we continue to hyper focus on the current national political cycle, we are missing what’s most important to us here in the Rockford region.

Nothing impacts us more locally than the elections here at home.

These elections in the Rockford region continue to impact our everyday lives more than anything that happens in Washington D.C.

How about we look to “Save local democracy” and do a better job of having good candidates on the local ballot?

I am tired of going into the ballot box to cast my vote, only to see the same people on the ballot running unopposed with no choice available.

It’s not too late to get involved and find your voice.

If you have a cause, a point of view, or think you have a better way to govern the city; then step up and get your name on the ballot.

The Rockford Board of Elections on Seventh Street has election packets and maps. You only need a minimum of 25 signatures to run as a Republican, 47 to run as a Democrat to get on the ballot.

The last filing date of all paperwork to get on the ballot of the two major political parties is Oct. 28.

It takes nothing but courage to put yourself out there and push the conversation.

True democracy starts with a choice. Let’s work to save ours here at home with having choices in our municipal primary on Feb. 25, 2025.

The only guarantee you have as a candidate is that you lose, but you are a part of the conversation, giving a voice to a choice.

Jason C. Leviskas, Rockford

This article originally appeared on Rockford Register Star: Letters: Save local democracy, demand a choice
