Special deliveries: Firefighters honored with ‘stork pins’ for assisting with local births

BUCKHANNON – First responders are frequently tasked with the challenge of trying to save as many at-risk lives as possible. However, every once in a while, they get the joy of assisting in bringing new life into the world.

That was the case with eight Buckhannon Fire Department career and volunteer firefighters, who were awarded ‘stork pins’ at Buckhannon City Council’s June 2 meeting.

Buckhannon Fire Chief J.B. Kimble shared the exciting news Thursday, saying city firefighters recently helped with two separate births, one of which was a set of twin babies.

Kimble and mayor Robbie Skinner recognized the firefighters for the heroism they demonstrated while assisting in delivering new life, presenting ‘stork pins’ to the firefighters who helped with both births. Firefighters assisting with the first of two births included Capt. Linn Baxa, Firefighter First Class Class John Brugnoli, probationary firefighter Maria Potter, Firefighter First Class Alex Ellis and firefighter Devin Landis.

Those at the second delivery were Firefighter First Class Ethan Smith, Firefighter First Class Tanner Smith, probationary firefighter Maria Potter and firefighter Maggie Pettito.

Buckhannon mayor Robbie Skinner, at right, congratulates three of the eight Buckhannon Fire Department firefighters — both career and volunteer — who assisted in delivering babies recently. Firefighters receive a ‘stork pin’ for assisting in bringing new life into the world, including a set of twins. Those recognized by Skinner and Buckhannon Fire Chief J.B. Kimble include, from left, Firefighter First Class Ethan Smith, firefighter Maggie Petitto and Firefighter First Class Tanner Smith.

“Until about 2018, this fire department would never have been part of that,” Kimble said. “I want you all to realize where our fire department has come to. In my career, I have seen a lot more people leave this world than come into it, and this is a huge event and a positive when you can see a life coming into this world.”

Kimble said last year, the BFD was part of four successful resuscitations.

“Four people are walking around today because of successful CPR delivered by the fire department and now we have three new babies in this world,” Kimble said. “That is huge, and I want to commend the people of our organization. They serve our community well.”

Those who assisted but were not present at Thursday’s Buckhannon City Council meeting included Capt. Linn Baxa, Firefighter First Class John Brugnoli, probationary firefighter Maria Potter, Firefighter First Class Alex Ellis and firefighter Devin Landis.
