State Rep. Frye Honors Family of Fallen Firefighter

Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 9:22am

By State Rep. Randy Frye (R-Greensburg), news release

Mark Rapp Sr. was a founding member of Indiana Task Force 1.

Photo provided.

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Randy Frye (R-Greensburg) (far right) presents the family of fire Capt. Mark Rapp Sr. with an American flag and a display box made by the Indiana Department of Correction in Indianapolis on Thursday, March 31, 2022. Rapp, a retired Indianapolis firefighter and a founding member of Indiana Task Force 1, passed away in March due to cancer complications resulting from his response to Ground Zero in New York after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Frye presented the flag, which was flown at the Indiana Statehouse, to Rapp’s wife Nancy (second from left) and his two sons, Greg (far left) and Mark Jr. (second from right), who are Indianapolis firefighters.

“Having been a firefighter for more than 20 years, I understand firsthand the hard work and dedication these men and women give to their communities,” said Frye, chair of the House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee. “I’m thankful for the service of Captain Rapp, who gave it his all every day, and put himself in harm’s way to ensure our communities are safe. The selfless courage and valor Rapp displayed to save innocent lives deserves the highest distinction and admiration.”
